Exploring Perl

Last update: 15.01.2025

Perl is a great, usable language, that is worth learning. This website should convince you.

Introduction: what you should know before you start.
Part 1: about the basics of Perl.
Part 2: about hash, reference and more complex data structures.
Part 3: about modules or why reinvent the wheel?
Part 4: about the perl graphic toolkit Prima.
Part 5: about command line (one-liners) for file processing.
Part 6: about functions that should be an integral part of your skill set.
PWC: about my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge

Each part will be concluded by challenges that correspond to the level of the texts.

Notice that I try not to duplicate the excellent tutorials and books on Perl. I only share my experience...maybe helpful for you but writing on Perl surely helps me :-)

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