My Markdown Example


This is a simple example demonstrating various Markdown syntax elements.

Text Formatting

Paragraphs: blank line

I really like using Markdown.

I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.

Linebreaks: next line

I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.


Unordered List

Ordered List

  1. First Item
  2. Second Item
  3. Third Item

Nested List

Image and Image Link Example

Image with size parameters, pure html

Alt Text

Image Link with size parameters, pure html

Alt Text

Blockquotes & Put a blank line before and after a blockquote

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax.

Blockquotes multilines

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.

Blockquotes multilines & nested

Sweet are the uses of adversity which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head.

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.

Blockquotes with Other Elements

The quarterly results look great!

Code Blocks

sub greetings { = shift; print("Hello, ! ") }


Fruit Quantity Price
Apple 5 .50
Banana 8 .80
Orange 3 .00

Horizontal Rule


Here is a sentence with a footnote 1.

  1. This is the footnote text. ↩