3. A little exercise

Open the Windows Command Prompt window by following these steps:

a. Click Start
b. Type in the Search (or just start typing) CMD and press Enter.

You should now see the Windows Command Prompt window, a window with a black background and the so called prompt like C:\> (see 3.1). To be more precise: involing CMD (better known as CMD.exe) opened this Windows Command Prompt window.

But there is more: the commands you'll type at the prompt, will be interpreted by the same CMD.exe. So, remember CMD.exe as the Windows Command (line) Interpreter, as a type of Windows shell.

3.1 The prompt

The Windows Command Prompt window displays the so called prompt like C:\> or C:\Users\UserName> or in my case K:\>

Suppose you see C:\>. Type at this prompt
and press Enter. The result will be the prompt D:\> (only if you have a D: partition; otherwise skip this). Suppose the prompt is C:\Users\UserName>. Type at the prompt
CD .. 
('CD' space two dots) and press 'Enter'. The prompt will be changed into C:\Users>. Do this again and the prompt will be C:\>

Again, in this tutorial I'll use drive D:
And for readability reasons, I use uppercase commands, e.g. CD instead of cd. Lowercase commands will do the same.

3.2 Moving into a (sub)directory

To move into a directory, use the CD command. So to move into the example directory 'test', type at the prompt D:\>
CD test
and press Enter. The prompt D:\test> will be displayed.

To move into the subdirectory 'my Doc', type at the prompt D:\test>
CD my Doc
and press Enter. You'll see the prompt D:\test\my Doc>

To return into the directory 'test' again, type at the prompt D:\test\my Doc> the command
CD .. 
and press Enter. The prompt D:\test> appears again.

This will do for now. Next I'll show you techniques to batch modify 'names' after having explained to you something about pattern-matching.