The Weekly Challenge - 287

TASK #1: Strong Password
You are given a string, $str.

Write a program to return the minimum number of steps required to make the given string very strong password. If it is already strong then return 0.

- It must have at least 6 characters.
- It must contains at least one lowercase letter, at least one upper case letter and at least one digit.
- It shouldn't contain 3 repeating characters in a row.

Following can be considered as one step:
- Insert one character
- Delete one character
- Replace one character with another

use strict;
use warnings;

The task isn't to generate a strong password, but simply to check how many 
steps are needed to turn a given string into a strong password. If a character
is missing, you only need to count the insertion of that character. In the case 
of repeating character triplets, you just need to break the triplet by replacing
one of the characters with another. I used a space to count the number of triplet
replacements. And if the number of triplet breaks is greater than the number of 
missing characters, then the total number of steps is equal to the number of 
triplet breaks: after all, a missing character could have been used to break the 

sub strong_password {
    my ($pw) = @_;
    my $count = 0;
    my $min_len_pw = 6;
    my $len = length($pw);

    # Simultaneously check for missing lowercase, uppercase, and digit characters
    # If a character is missing, simulate its addition
    ($len++ && $count++) if ($pw !~ /[a-z]/);
    ($len++ && $count++) if ($pw !~ /[A-Z]/);
    ($len++ && $count++) if ($pw !~ /[0-9]/);

    # Replace the third character of triplets with a space and count the replacement
    # only if no missing characters were found previously
    my $count_triplets = 0;
    while ($pw =~ /(.)\1\1/) {
        # If a triplet is found, replace the third character of the triplet
        # with a space to break the repetition and maintain the string length.
        $pw =~ s/(.)\1\1/${1}${1} /; 
    # A missing character could have been used to break the triplet
    $count = $count_triplets if ($count_triplets > $count);

    # Ensure password meets minimum length
    $count += $min_len_pw - $len if ($len < $min_len_pw);

    return ($count);


my $str;

# Example 1
$str = "a";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 5

# Example 2
$str = "aB2";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 3

# Example 3
$str = "PaaSW0rd";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 0

# Example 4
$str = "Paaasw0rd";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 1

# Example 5
$str = "aaaaa";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 2

# Example 6
$str = "Abbbbbb";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 2

# Example 7
$str = "bbbAb0bbb";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 2

# Example 8
$str = "bbbABC";
print(strong_password($str), "\n"); # Output: 1