Module | Description |
Array::Unique | Tie-able array that allows only unique values |
Data::Compare | Compare two perl data structures recursively |
Data::Dumper | stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval |
Email::Valid | Check validity of Internet email addresses |
File::Copy | Copy and move files |
File::Rename | Perl extension for renaming multiple files |
File::Find::Rule | To build rules which specify the desired files and directories |
Perlmv | Rename/move files using Perl code |
Path::Tiny | File path utility |
List::AllUtils | Combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy |
App::pl | Perl One-Liner Examples |
Excel::Writer::XLSX | Create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format. |
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel | Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file |
Spreadsheet::Read | Read the data from a spreadsheet |
Statistics::Lite | Small stats stuff |
Statistics::Basic | A collection of very basic statistics modules |
Statistics::Frequency | Simple counting of elements |
Math::Combinatorics | Perform combinations and permutations on lists |
Format::Util::Numbers | Miscellaneous routines to do with manipulating number format |
String::Util | String processing utility functions |
Text::ASCII::Convert | Convert non-ASCII characters to their ASCII |
Text::Wrap | Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs |
Text::Padding | Simple way of formatting a text |
Test::Regexp | Test your regular expressions |
Getopt::Long | Extended processing of command line options |
Params::ValidationCompiler | Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once |
Text::CSV::Simple | Simpler parsing of CSV files |
Toolbox::Simple | Simplify some common tasks in Perl |
DateTime | A date and time object for Perl |
DateTime::Tiny | A faster date object for date and time |
Date::Tiny | A faster date object for only date |
Term::Size | Retrieve the terminal size on Unix |