10. Combobox (single selection)

If you are giving the user a small list of choices then stick with the radiobuttons. However, if you will want want to use the combobox for long lists. An user can select one option. I prefer the type of combobox with an instruction inside as a header.


use Prima qw(Application Themes Buttons ComboBox Label);

require "/home/reinier/mcMessage.pl"; # code 7. Messagewindow

$mw = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
      text=> "Combobox",
      size => [375, 250],
      icon => Prima::Icon-> load('icon.png'),	
      skin => 'flat',

 # If the collection in a combo box is long enough, a scroll bar will appear to accommodate it. 

$cb1 = $mw-> insert( "ComboBox",
    pack => { fill => 'none', side => 'top', pad => 15 },
	size => [200, 30],
	name => 'Please, select a color',
	items => [ 'Apricot', 'Beige', 'Black', 'Blue', 'Brown', 'Cyan', 'Green', 'Grey', 'Lavender', 'Lime', 'Magenta' ],
	style => (cs::DropDown),

$mw-> insert('Prima::Button' =>
              pack => { fill => 'none', side => 'top', pad => 15 },
              size => [100, 30],
              text => 'Evaluate', 
              onClick => sub { 
                          mcMessage(300, 100, "Values", "Name widget: " . $cb1->name . "\nSelected option: " . $cb1->text);

run Prima;
In 13. Frames, you'll learn to add an action to the ComboBox.