8. Inputline

A simple 'Guess my Number' game! The code of 5. Label is now extended by adding a new widget (inputline). But there is more: not only new Widget properties are shown but also a custom messagebox is created via the subroutine mcMessage.


use Prima qw(Application Themes Buttons Label InputLine);# invoke the modules Application, Themes, Buttons, Label and Inputline

require "/home/reinier/mcMessage.pl"; # code 7. Messagewindow

$mw = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
    text    => "Random",
    sizeMin => [325, 200],
    sizeMax => [325, 200],
    icon => Prima::Icon-> load('icon.png'),	
    skin => 'flat',

$mw-> borderIcons(bi::SystemMenu);

# label with instruction

$mw-> insert( 
    Label => 
        pack => { fill => 'x', side => 'top', pad => 10 },	           
        autoHeight => 1, # if 1, the label height is automatically changed as text extensions change.	           
        text   => "Enter a whole number between 0-100 \nand press 'Guess!'", # notice the use of '\n' as line break
        font   => { size => 12, },	

# label with result text

$output = $mw-> insert( 
    Label => 
        pack => { fill => 'x', side => 'top', pad => 10 },	           
        autoHeight => 1,	           	           
        text   => "",
        font   => { size => 12, },	

# inputline to enter a number

$input = $mw->insert( 

    InputLine =>
        origin => [75, 20],
        size    => [50, 35],
        backColor => cl::Red,
        borderWidth => 1,
        text        => "",
        font        => { size => 18, },
        color       => cl::Black,	
        alignment   => ta::Center,	
        popupItems     => [], # for now, we disable the right mouseclick        


# subroutine mcMessage, activated when invalid input is entered

$my_number = int(rand(100));
$number_of_guesses = 0;
$result = "";

# button for evaluating input.

$mw-> insert( 
    Button =>
        origin  => [175, 19],
        size    => [100, 39],
        text    => "Guess!",
        default => 1, # if set to 1, the button should react when the user presses the enter button.
        onClick => sub {

            if ( $input-> text =~ /^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)$/ ) 
               # alternative: if ($input-> text =~ /^\d+$/ and $input-> text >= 0 and $input-> text <= 100) 
               # alternative: if ($input-> text =~ /^\d+$/ and $input-> text ~~ [0..100]) 									 
               $result = "My number is higher than " . $input-> text if ($input-> text < $my_number);
               $result = "My number is lower than " . $input-> text if ($input-> text > $my_number);
               if ($input-> text == $my_number) 
                   $result = "You guessed my number " . $input-> text . " in " . $number_of_guesses . " times!\nPlay again! " ;
                   $input-> set(text => "");
                   $my_number = int(rand(100));
               $output-> set(text => $result, color => cl::Green);
               mcMessage(200, 100, "Error!", "No valid input!");
                  # alternative:	 
                  # $output-> set(text => "No valid input!", color => cl::Yellow, font   => { size => 14, },	);
            $input->focused(1); # cursor shown in inputline

$input->focused(1); # cursor shown in inputline

run Prima;