16. Mini Text

This application is inspired by Mini Text from https://flathub.org/apps/io.github.nokse22.minitext. Programming this application revealed some interesting possibilities of Prima. The annotated code will suffice for you.


use Prima qw(Buttons Edit FrameSet Application);

# no MainWindow but Widget to have no title bar
$mw = Prima::Widget-> create(
    size => [400, 250],
    growMode => gm::Center, 

# definition of hint attributes that are application specific (not widget specific)
  hintBackColor => 0xffffff,
  hintColor => 0x8AAAE5,
  hintPause => 0, 

# definition two frames
$frame = $mw-> insert(

	FrameSet =>
             size => [$mw-> size],
             origin => [0, 0],
             frameSizes => [qw(85% 15%)],
             flexible => 0,
             separatorWidth => 0,

# customizing frame 1
$editor = $frame-> insert_to_frame ( 
        Edit =>
             pack => { fill => 'none', side => 'top', pad => 15 },        
             size   => [ $::application-> width, $::application-> height],

             text         => '',
             color => 0x000000,             
             backColor => 0xFFFFFF,

             wordWrap => 1,
             hScroll   => 0,
# Notice that CTRL+A (select all), CTRL+C (copy), CTRL+V (paste), CTRL+Z (undo) and Del(ete) work            

# define the origin of the (speed)button in terms of x and y
@pos_button_x = qw (10 10 10 10);
@pos_button_y = qw (190 140 90 40);

# icons from https://www.flaticon.com/
@img = qw (close_small.jpg copy_small.jpg paste_small.jpg trash_small.jpg);

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
    open FILE, $img[$i] or die "Cannot open:$!";
    binmode FILE;
    $icon_but_{$i} = Prima::Image-> load( \*FILE);

# hint buttons
@hint = ("Exit (Alt+X)", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete");

# hotKey => 'x' for the first button
@hotkey = ('x', '', '', '');

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {

# action when pressing the first button
    $exit_ref = sub { exit } if ($i == 0);
# action when pressing the second button    
    $exit_ref = sub { $editor-> copy } if ($i == 1);
# action when pressing the third button	    
    $exit_ref = sub { $editor-> paste } if ($i == 2); 
# action when pressing the fourth button	       
    $exit_ref = sub { $editor-> delete_block } if ($i == 3);

# customizing frame 2    
    $frame-> insert_to_frame ( 
# SpeedButton: does not show any text by design       
       SpeedButton =>
                origin => [$pos_button_x[$i], $pos_button_y[$i]],

# image size greater than button size             
                size => [30, 30],
                borderWidth => 0,

# change the pointer when hovering
            	pointerType => cr::Hand,
                image => $icon_but_{$i},
# action when pressing the button                
                onClick => $exit_ref,
                hint => $hint[$i],

# close action Alt + x 
                hotKey => $hotkey[$i],

$frame-> frame(0)-> backColor( 0xFFFFFF );
$frame-> frame(1)-> backColor( 0xFFFFFF );


run Prima;