19. Short-Term Memory Test
A short-term memory test is a cognitive assessment designed to measure an individual's ability to temporarily hold and manipulate information over a short period of time.
When conducting a short-term memory test, it's important to use a variety of words to assess a person's
memory capacity and recall ability. My Perl application is a basic one: the user should write by hand the words he could recall. Each word is presented 2 seconds. A 13 words list is used.
use Prima qw(Buttons Label Application Widget::Time);
$app_width = 450;
$mw = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
text => "Short-Term Memory Test",
sizeMin => [$app_width, 200],
sizeMax => [$app_width, 200],
icon => Prima::Icon-> load('icon.png'),
$intro_text = $mw-> insert( "Label",
origin => [0, 140],
size => [$app_width, 100],
text => "Remember the words you'll see! \nClick the Start button.",
wordWrap => 1,
font => { size => 12, },
alignment => ta::Center,
autoHeight => 1,
$task_field = $mw-> insert(
Label =>
origin => [0, 75],
size => [$app_width, 50],
text => "",
alignment => ta::Center,
wordWrap => 1,
font => { size => 26, },
color => cl::Yellow,
@items = qw( Car Zebra Guitar Hat Lemon Tiger Teapot Orange Penguin Socks Rainbow Notebook House );
# The most interesting part of this code: a Timer object with the onTick property using shift for presenting the words!
# Shift 'eats' the items of an array. Hence @items_copy.
$mw-> insert( Timer =>
name => 'mcTimer',
timeout => 2000,
onTick => sub { @items_copy ? $task_field->text(shift @items_copy)
( $mw-> mcTimer-> stop,
$task_field-> text(""),
$show_button-> enabled(1),
$intro_text-> text("Recall the words you saw!")
$mw-> insert(
Button =>
origin => [(($app_width/2)-75), 25],
size => [75, 30],
text => "Start",
color => 0x000000,
backColor => 0xcccccc,
onClick => sub {
$intro_text-> color(cl::White),
$intro_text-> text("Remember the words you'll see!\nClick the Start button."),
@items_copy = @items,
$show_button-> enabled(0),
$mw-> mcTimer-> start;
$show_button = $mw-> insert(
Button =>
origin => [(($app_width/2)), 25],
size => [75, 30],
text => "Show",
color => 0x000000,
backColor => 0xcccccc,
onClick => sub {
$intro_text-> text("@items"),
$intro_text-> color(cl::Green),
enabled => 0,
run Prima;