A "tooltip" link type can display a hint with (rich) text, and a "hyperlink" link can open a browser.
use Prima qw(Application Label Buttons);
use Prima::Drawable::Markup q(M);
my $mw = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
text => "Tooltip and hyperlink",
sizeMin => [500, 150],
sizeMax => [500, 150],
icon => Prima::Icon-> load('icon.png'),
hintBackColor => 0xffffff,
hintColor => 0x000000,
hintPause => 0,
$mw-> borderIcons(bi::SystemMenu);
# The text property has the code for tooltip and hyperlink. Notice also the use of \n\n (double line break)# The content for the two tooltips ('writing' and 'website') is between =pod...=cut at the end of this code
$mw-> insert(
Label =>
origin => [0, 40],
size => [500, 140],
linkColor => cl::Yellow,
font => { size => 12, },
text => \ "At the time of L<tip://$0/t1|writing> my code snippets for my L<tip://$0/t2|website>, I used Perl 5.36 - 5.38 on ArcoLinux. Click the hyperlink: \n\nL<https://www.arcolinux.com|arcolinux.com>",
alignment => ta::Center,
wordWrap => 1,
$mw-> insert(
Button =>
origin => [(500/2)-50, 20],
size => [100, 30],
text => 'Exit',
onClick => sub { $::application-> close },
run Prima;
=head1 t1
started in 2023 (tooltip)
=head1 t2
reiniermaliepaard.nl (tooltip)